International Simulated Emergency Test (SE

International Simulated Emergency Test (SET)
October 30th 2021
9:00 AM to 12 Noon

For immedate Release
•Community Emergency Manager Coordinators
•Bruce County ACS Community Emergency Response Team
•RAC / ACS Section Manager / Ontario South
•Executive committee / Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club
Marvin VE3VCG / Bruce County / Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS)
Emergency Coordinator (EC) will organize and conduct this test in Bruce County.
I am seeking the participation of of municipal EC’s or ECMC’s in Bruce
County during this test. This will involve orginating test messages our
operators will send through our radio based, emergency traffic network.
Such messages can be a verbal or text messages.
For the purpose of this test, messages should be formatted to use the ICS
213 form. They may be directed within Bruce County, or to any other station
in Ontario or across Canada. The message should also clearly indicate that it
is part of the Simulated Emergency Test. The recipients email address must
be provided.
In other to ensure a proper test conditions I request that our ACS operators
be allowed establish a temportary amateur radio station, during the period
of the test, at the locations of Bruce County municiple administrive offices
or at the location where an EOC will be established in a declared emergency.
Such stations may be located in a convenient location which might be
indoors or adjectent to the facility at your discretion.   
The purpose of this test is to determine the rediness of our volunteers to operate
in an actual emergency. An after action report will provide feedback on what
worked, what did not work and specific points of failure.
The theme of this SET is a Low Frequency, High Impact event. Each ACS EC
will set the conditions for the SET in their area. In Bruce County the conditions I
have created for our SET will be: Operating during a province wide, long
duration, loss of grid power.
SET October 30, 2021
The SET is only 3 hours. However for the purpose of this test I have set the
duration of the event at a minumn of 72 hours. 
*It will be assumed by ACS operators that, during the test we will be operating at
a point in time roughly 48 hours after all grid power failed.
At this point in time, after a grid power failure, most cellular and landline
telephone service will have failed. Any emergency radio such as LMR (Land Mobile
Radio) service depend on these facilities will also have failed. These conditions
would also take down 2 meter amaterur radio repeaters which have no backup
In advance of the test I will identify repeaters which have backup power. I will
make that list availble to participants.
However, a temporary portable 2 meter repeater, which is the property of the
Georgain Bay Amateur Radio Club, will be setup using backup generator power.
This will be located in a central location, should be accessable to ACS operators in
portions of Bruce and Grey counties.
Special care will be taken to locate this repeater so as to facilitate
communications between emergency operators who may be deployed to area
There will also be 2 meter simplex operations and published on-air schedule with
frequencies for both 2 meters and HF. 
Stations operating on alternative power sources such as generators should assure
that their equipment is in good working order and have enough fuel for the
duration of the test. Vehicle mounted mobile 2 meter or HF radios are considered
to be generator powered rigs.
Marvin Double VE3VCG will operate as Bruce County net control station, during
the test. During the test net contol will operate from an established station in
Paisley, Ontario, operating off-grid using solar / generator power on HF and 2
meters. This station is equipted with 2 meter and HF radios and can provide full
coverage of Bruce County for all other stations, This includes, voice and Winlink or
JS8Call digtial modes.
I am engaging with other amateur radio clubs in various locations outside Bruce
and Grey counties and other ACS/EC’s and should be able to provide coverage
outside Bruce County and specifically to other emergency operations centres in
the GTA and other large urban centres.
SET October 30, 2021

You can contact Marvin Double VE3VCG via, or by phone at 216-930-1373 (mobile)

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