I noticed that not everyone is entering a net report. No judgement, not pointing any fingers, but if we aren't doing net reports anymore, then I will save the time it takes to enter the information.
Posted by: Richard VE3OZW - 2025-02-19, 17:09:07 - Forum: Parts
- No Replies
Hey everyone, I just bought a Vibroplex iambic paddle. It needed new upper trunion screws as both of them were snapped, I replaced the springs and the rubber feet. I ordered directly from Vibroplex. It turns out that I also need to order a dot/dash tension screw and the "ruby jewels" on the top of the mainframe to make it look pretty. Before I make the second order, I thought I would ask if anyone needs any parts for their vibroplex. I will probably order on Monday February 24, 2025. If you need anything, I need to know the part number, quantity and price. Shipping is reasonable at $5.68 USD and is takes about 2 weeks to arrive.
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with this week's bulletin.
1. RAC Amateur of the Year 2024 – Mike Kelly, VE3FFK
Through the RAC Amateur of the Year award, RAC recognizes the outstanding contributions made by Canadian Amateurs. Mike’s over 5 decades as an amateur has led him to volunteer countless hours to clubs and public service events locally in the Ottawa area, and to RAC itself by managing and publishing the silent key list, coordinating ballot distribution for RAC elections, assisting with administrative tasks at head office, and most recently the planning, design, and installation of the RAC headquarters station VE3RHQ.
For more info see the RAC website: https://wp.rac.ca/rac-amateur-of-the-year/
-- Al Boyd, VE3AJB, RAC President and Chair
2. Updated Rules Published for WRTC 2026 With the World Radiosport Team Championship 2026 in the UK, you may want to read the competition rules which have been published by the championship's committee. The rules have been adjusted slightly from the previous competition. Questions may be submitted to the committee via social media, on the WRTC reflector or at amateur radio conventions. https://www.wrtc2026.org/2025/02/10/wrtc-uk-competition-rules/ -- amateur radio newsline
3. Introduction to Single Sideband (Youtube Video) This video covers basic information about single-sideband and some of the history back in the late 50s early 60s. It is an old film it still covers the basic information about single-sideband and does so in an educational setting. The video was used in the RF Transmission course at Keesler Air force Base, Biloxi MS and is from the AETC video department.
RF Transmission has permission to use this video for education purposes.
-- via amateur radio.com weekly news
4. RIGEXPERT'S Ukraine Offices Destroyed by Missile The amateur radio developer and manufacturer RigExpert reported the destruction of its administrative office at its headquarters in Ukraine. The company said on its website and in social media posts that the offices were struck by a ballistic missile. RigExpert said that all its personnel were safe, production remained unaffected and that its customer support operations will continue. The company issued a statement on Wednesday, February 12th, saying: "Even though this is a difficult situation, the RigExpert team is committed to restoring operations as soon as possible to continue providing our great products to you. We are working tirelessly to minimize delays and fulfill our commitments." -- via arrl news (and other sources)
This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control. Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC
Some of you may have already received an email regarding the 2025 Commonwealth Contest, so apologies if some of this information is redundant.
This year, the 88th running of the Commonwealth Contest (formerly BERU) has a number of changes that have been made in order to boost participation in this, the longest running Amateur Radio contest. The first contest was in February, 1931 and has run each year with the exception of the war years of 1940 to 1946.
The RSGB has recruited national radio organizations to assist in promoting the contest and for IARU region 2, this has fallen to Radio Amateurs of Canada. A brainstorming session was held earlier this month with the various contest clubs of Canada and a number of actions are taking place.
There will be a dedicated page on rac.ca - this is currently under development.
CCO will do the following:
1). Certificates from CCO will be awarded in the following categories:
First time participant
Operator under the age of 21
For a total number of QSOs of 88 or more (to celebrate the 88th year).
2). For CCO members who participate in the sCCOre award, there will be an additional 25% bonus on your earned sCCOre points for this contest.
The RSGB has included two major changes in the rules for 2025.
1). Contacts within the same continent count for 5 points but contacts in other continents count for 10 points.
2). The UK countries now count as separate bonus areas, i.e. GM, GW, GI, GD, G, GJ, GU. The first 3 QSOs with a bonus area count for 20 points .
Grey County Emergency Coordination is hosting another Basic Qualification course this spring. I've attached their announcement.
Some Grey Co. staff will attend, and possibly Bruce Co., but THERE IS LOTS OF ROOM FOR OTHER TRAINEES
The course runs for eight Wednesday mornings starting Apr 2. Sessions run from 0830-1230.
Exact dates: April 2, 9, 16, 30, May 14, 28, Jun 11, 18 (no class Apr 23, May 7, 21, Jun 4)
Location: The Sydenham Campus, 1130 8th St E, Owen Sound.
Course instructor is Frank VA3GUF (Frank will be back home in time for session 3, yours truly will be doing sessions 1 & 2)
The exam will be on Jun 18. Our Accredited Examiner Norm VE3NIR will administer the exam in the same room as the classes. The exam is 100 multiple choice questions. It will be based on the existing question bank (the new bank won't start being used until July 15).
There is no fee for the course but trainees will have to provide their own copy of the Coax Publications Basic Study Guide (about $50.00). https://www.coaxpublications.ca/ord0001.php
If you know of anyone wishing to take the course, please put them in touch with Frank (va3-guf@outlook.com), or me (candu.nuke@gmail.com).
You may know Vince from the Ham Radio Work bench Podcasts and his POTA activations !! Vince will be talking about Portable Operations, Kits, CW and other cool aspects of the hobby !! Vince's QRZ link https://www.qrz.com/db/VE6LK Ham Radio Workbench website https://www.hamradioworkbench.com/
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with this week's bulletin.
1. Hurricane Watch Net Turning 60, Seeking Net Control Operators The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), founded on Labor Day weekend 1965, is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2025. The net, known for relaying surface observations into the National Hurricane Center, is also seeking volunteers to serve as net control operators. Net Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, reports HWN is preparing for what could be, yet again, an above-average hurricane season and that the net needs more amateur radio operators to help. “We are looking for dedicated new members willing to train to become net control operators. While being bilingual is not a requirement, being fluent in Spanish and English or French/Creole and English is a plus.” If you are interested in training to become a net control operator for the Hurricane Watch Net, please visit the net control information page at: https://hwn.org/about-us/ncs_info.html. -- Hurricane watch net
2. Reminder: ACS Golden Horseshoe Presentation on NVIS Antennas February 19, 2025 - Zoom session 19:00 - 20:00 ET
Presented By John Leonardelli VE3IPS A Near Vertical Incident Skywave Antenna, provides a communications system that permits coverage up to approximately 500 km using relatively low power equipment. Topics include: Simple antenna ideas to make on a Saturday afternoon; providing a walk through on NVIS appropriate antennas; and the various antennas John has made for portable and Em-Comm operations. Register before February 17 2025 with reupva3rie@gmail.com -- Rosemarie, VA3RIE, Education and Training Coordinator, ACS-GH
3. World Radio Day – February 13th
World Radio Day, February 13th, was adopted in 2012 by the United Nations to acknowledge radio's role in people's lives everywhere. Although the focus is usually on broadcast radio services, amateur radio will be involved in some events around the world. This year's theme is "Radio and Climate Change." One of the many international events happening involves the Shanghai Coast Radio Station XSG. The station is hosting a two-day Crossband Event in which the radio station will communicate via CW with amateur radio operators, with each side transmitting on their authorized frequencies while monitoring the other party's frequencies. The event runs from 00:00 UTC on the 12th of February to 00:00 UTC the next day.
For a list of amateur radio frequencies that XSG will be monitoring for ham transmissions, see the text version of this week's newscast at arnewsline.org -- Amateur radio newsline
4. Amateur Radio Software Awards - Nominations Open The amateur radio software award is seeking nominations for outstanding software developed for ham radio. Nominations should promote innovative, free, and open source projects. Submissions are being accepted until February 28th. -- Source: Amateur Radio Software Award
This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications? Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.
Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC