RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for 22 July, 2023 - Printable Version

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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for 22 July, 2023 - Richard VE3OZW - 2023-07-22

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  New update to the RAC HF Band Plan (June 1, 2023)

The HF band plan has been updated to include the new 630m band and the
60m band allocation,
and the notes giving power and bandwidth limits on these bands.The plan
is a living document
that will be updated periodically. Comments and suggestions may be
directed to the Chair of the
RAC Band Planning Committee, Al VO1NO, at
Download it here:
--- RAC website


2. Hanover Ham Haul

Date:        Saturday, August 12, 2023
Location:    Hanover Drive-in Theatre
Times:    Vendors at 0830 and buyers/public at 0930 hours running until
1300 hours.
Cost:        Cost:$5.00 per person and $5.00 per vendor space. Children
under 12 free.
Talk-in:    Talk in on 146.520 simplex, no tone
Description:    This is the fifth annual Hanover Ham Haul.
Info:        BYOT (bring your own table) hamfest. All proceeds after
expenses go to the support of
        local charities..The Drive-In concession will be open at 9:30
for drinks, hot dogs, fries,
        popcorn and the WASHROOMS. The washrooms will be cleaned and
sanitized as they
        always have in the past. The Drive-In owner has supported the
Hanover Ham Haul each
        year and we need to remember their support when we are onsite.
        The Hanover Ham Haul is an open air tailgate type event and
will run regardless of the
        weather so be sure to prepare for rain (then you won't need to
use it, hi, hi).
        For those that use GPS the coordinates are 44.1508° N, 81.0033° W.
-- RAC Events


3. VB2M DXpedition: July 22 to 30, 2023

Team VB2M will be active from Petite-ile-au-Marteau (NA-176) on July
22-30, 2023,
IOTA Contest included. A 10-member team of “Fédération des clubs
du Québec” (RAQI) will be active from:“La Petite-Île-au-Marteau” in the
“Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve”
Plans are to operate 24/7 on 80-6 metres CW, SSB and FT8.
QSL via LoTW, Club Log, or direct to Federation des clubs radioamateurs
du Quebec (RAQI),
7665 Bd Lacordaire / Montreal, QC H1S 2A7, Canada.
The DXpedition will offer contacts including Parks on the Air, Islands
on the Air and Lighthouses
on the Air – all of this in CQ Zone 2.
Last minute details will appear on the QRZ, and VB2M web page.
Information and QSL requests:
-- RAC website

4. Summits on the Air 2023: North America

Summits on the Air (SOTA) in North America has three events scheduled
between August 4 - 7,
2023. The Colorado 14er annual event will run from August 4 - 7, the
SoCal SOTAFest in
Southern California will run from August 4 - 6, and the Pacific
Northwest Not-Quite-Fourteener
event will run from August 5 - 6, and includes climbers in Washington
and Oregon.
SOTA is an award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable
operation in mountainous
areas. It provides opportunities for summit climbers (known as
activators) to scale some of the highest
peaks in North America and contact amateur radio stations locally and
around the world.
Many different frequencies and modes will be used during the August
events, but the recommended
2-meter FM frequencies have been changed to 146.58, 146.55, and 146.49
MHz to align with the
use of the North America Adventure Frequency for SOTA (146.58 MHz).
Operation is also permitted
on select HF frequencies. The National Simplex Frequency (146.52 MHz)
may also be used. Each
event website provides a list of operating frequencies. All amateur
radio operators and shortwave
listeners are invited to participate.
Read more about SOTA at their website.
info at:
-- ARRL newsletter

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.