Amateur Radio Weekly 02DEC2023 - Printable Version

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Amateur Radio Weekly 02DEC2023 - Richard VE3OZW - 2023-12-02

Top links

European Space Agency GEO satellite opportunity
Footprint could cover portions of Canada and USA.

AllScan: Web based AllStarLink management console
Provides favorites management features, AllStarLink stats integration, and connection monitoring and control functions.

NASA highlights Ham Radio on ISS
NASA promotes the efforts of ARISS and STEM.

Promising news for the Amateur Radio 23cm microwave allocation
It looked as if the decades old allocation might be lost altogether.

HamSCI announces publication of latest peer-reviewed paper
Provides recommendations for Amateur Radio - professional science collaborations in the future.

Made in Vermont: W1SFR
His side hustle is key for the community.

Fire damaged Nikola Tesla's last remaining laboratory
Crowdfounders previously raised over $1 million to save.
Business Insider

Making math easy for Ham Radio experimenters
There is a tool that can level the playing field – it's called the spreadsheet.
Ham Radio Outside the Box

Winlink on iPhone/iPad
RadioMail is a new client app for the iPhone and iPad.

Canadian Basic Qualifications question bank
This test bank has 971 questions.


Can you do 160 Meters on two Wolf River Coils?
Let's find out.
Ham Radio Tube

The Magic Carpet rides again! This time on 80 Meters
KZ9V shares with us how he modified his 40 through 10 meter end fed half wave antenna.

RE: Amateur Radio Weekly 02DEC2023 - VA3DNY Dan - 2023-12-02

(2023-12-02, 08:31:46)VE3OZW Richard Wrote: Top links

Will AI help us have more fun with Amateur Radio?
Your personal agent could monitor your club's 2-meter repeater and notify you when your friends are on the air.

I enjoyed the short article on AI, especially the comments at the bottom lol. I'm not the only one who would hate to have an AI assistant nattering in my ear all day long!  It seemed to mostly focus on using the new resources as an organizing tool.  I heard that people are testing AI to interpret an incoming signal and remove all or most of the QRM/QRN...that could be really beneficial.  Interesting times...

PS    I can move this comment to a different section on the forum if you prefer...

RE: Amateur Radio Weekly 02DEC2023 - Richard VE3OZW - 2023-12-06

I agree Dan and this is a great place for the comment.  I was looking into that AI program that removed all QRN and QRM from a signal.  I think I saw it in a QST magazine or some newsletter somewhere.  I didn't get it installed to try out yet, but I do have a login and password.  One of these days I will get at it.  This is the program that I was looking at