Amateur Radio Weekly 13APR2024 - Printable Version

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Amateur Radio Weekly 13APR2024 - Richard VE3OZW - 2024-04-13

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Issue 327 April 13th, 2024

Top links

Utah students use Ham Radio to connect with astronaut during eclipse
A Utah school district participated in an international program that helps students connect with astronauts using Amateur Radio.
Desert News

The Zombie Apocalypse
Exploring the feasibility for radio communication during an actual SHTF situation.

USB-C charger for the MD-(UV)380/RT3(S)/GD-77
Using a 2S 2A USB-C charger PCB.

Simple guide to meteor scatter MSK144 contacts
If you are using FT-8 you are already half way there.

International Ham Radio events calendar
Add your event.
QSO Today

Lightning scatter at 144 MHz
Making use of the short scatter signals from lightning strikes.

Building HamClock on an old Raspberry Pi
This is a great addition to any Ham shack.

Comparing prices of two 20AH LiFePO4 batteries: $60 vs. $265
The $60 battery delivers the goods.

Crystal substitute using si5351
An inexpensive substitute for the 1647kHz LSB crystal.
Owen Duffy


A novice's guide to radio astronomy
SDR all the way.
Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers

DIY spark gap transmitter
Assembly and analysis of a DIY spark gap transmitter.
Baltic Lab

Hamvention bound
For the first time, I'll be driving up for Hamvention in May. I'm attending as a member of the press and my current thinkinig is to attempt a number of short-form audio interviews with interesting orgs, Hams, vendors, etc., which will be posted both here in the newsletter and on the daily site. I'm also having stickers made up, so hunt me down if you'd like one. Hope to see you there!

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