RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for April 20, 2024 - Printable Version

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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for April 20, 2024 - Richard VE3OZW - 2024-04-20

This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with
this week's bulletin.


1.    Incorrect Renewal Message sent to RAC Members

We have received several reports from RAC members who have received a message from RAC which indicates that their membership has ended.
This message was in fact sent by Radio Amateurs of Canada to members, but it was entirely as a result of a technical error while working on an
update to the RAC website.
We apologize for this error and any inconvenience that it has caused and we thank you once again for your response. If this had in fact been a
phishing or other cybersecurity threat we hope that you would act the same way and contact RAC before clicking on any links.
-- Alan Griffin, RAC MarCom Director
RAC Website


2.    The new ONTARS website Market Place.

Market Place has underwent significant software updates. Our new format is a breeze to use, with the ability to post multiple images of
your gear as well as it is now easier to use for the novice user.  Take a look at this site! In the last few days, more than 75 users from
all over Canada have registered. Classified ads are streaming in daily.
Check out
-- Barry VE3ISX Ontars Website Manager

3.    Simcoe County Hamfest

Sponsor:    Simcoe County Amateur Radio Enthusiasts
Date    :    Saturday, May 11, 2024
Location:    Grenfel Community Centre, 1989 Sunnidale Road (County Rd 40}
Times    :    Setup / vendors 0800. Open to public 0900. Close / cleanup
Cost    :    Admission free. Vendors $5.00.    Donations to the Grenfel
        Community Centre Building fund are greatly appreciated.
Talk-in:    146.55 Mhz simplex no tone.
Description:    Vendors, bring your own tables and chairs or tailgate as you like.  If the weather is wet, there is lots of room in the rink.

The rules are simple, respect the site, it's neighbors and each other by being clean and quiet. Vendors, if you don't sell it, it goes home with you.
No dumping.  Visitors, respect the setup time, public opening is 9:00 AM

Info    :    Brant Smith VE3UME
Email :    ve3ume @
-- RAC Events

4. Rideau Lakes Amateur Radio Club Hamfest

Date    :    Saturday, May 11, 2024
Location:    Civitan Club, 12468 Highway 15, Smiths Falls, ON, K7A 4S7
Times    :    7 AM for dealers, 8:30 AM for general admission.
Cost :        General admission: $5 per person (includes door prize ticket), youth under 16 admitted free.
Talk-in:    VE3RLR 147.210 + PL 151.4Hz AMS (Auto mode select) IN/OUT 
Description:    We hope to have a number of commercial vendors, a canteen, consignment table and equipment testing table.
Exams:    Basic, Advanced and Morse Code examinations will be available
        Exam fee: $25, includes Hamfest admission. Age 25 or younger: free.
        Candidates must pre-register by Wednesday 8 May 2024.
        Please e-mail Examiner Dave VE3KG at ve3kg @

This will be the 38th annual RLARC Hamfest. We are in a slightly smaller facility this year as our recent venue will be undergoing renovations at
the time of the event.
Info:        ve3rlr @ for Hamfest information
-- RAC Events

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.