Net Report Oct 21, 2020 - Printable Version

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Net Report Oct 21, 2020 - Rob_Walker - 2020-10-23


RE: Net Report Oct 21, 2020 - Adam_VE3FP - 2020-10-23

Correction to your Net Log.

My QTH is West Grey not Wiarton. 
I just camped in Wiarton few weeks ago.

Not that it matters much here but I thought I would let you know.

73, Adam, VE3FP

RE: Net Report Oct 21, 2020 - Rob_Walker - 2020-10-23

Thanks Adam, correction made.

73 Rob

RE: Net Report Oct 21, 2020 - VA3KOT John - 2020-10-24

Rob, I believe there are another couple of issues in the net report that warrant attention. Gene is VE3IJD not VE3JD. Also the FM frequency should perhaps be 146.94 instead of 3783.

Sorry I missed the net. I was tuned into 3783KHz at my campsite but having missed the VHF net I wasn't aware of the frequency change to 3788. I found the right frequency by tuning around but only after the net had just finished. I didn't take a VHF radio to camp with me (even though I am sure I must have been at least within receive range) to cut down on the amount of radio equipment I had to cram into my small trailer. Big mistake in retrospect.

Thanks for running the net.

RE: Net Report Oct 21, 2020 - Rob_Walker - 2020-10-24

(2020-10-24, 15:55:48)VA3KOT John Wrote: Rob, I believe there are another couple of issues in the net report that warrant attention. Gene is VE3IJD not VE3JD. Also the FM frequency should perhaps be 146.94 instead of 3783.

Thanks for helping me through these troubling senior's moments Tongue 
Corrections made.