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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 25, 2023
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 now in session
The World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) located in
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, bringing governments together for negotiations on the allocation of
radio-frequency spectrum will take place from 20 November to 15 December.
Overall, 4,000 participants are expected for WRC-23, including delegates
from ITU Member States and ITU Radiocommunication Sector Members representing international
organizations, equipment manufacturers, network operators and industry forums attending as
-- Full article on RAC website



2. Florida hams make contact via a 10m repeater in Switzerland

On Oct 23rd at 1500z using a FLEX-6400 at 75 W and the C32XR beam at
108 feet that he maintains for the Tampa Amateur Radio Club, Lu W4LT heard
an ID . "It was HB9HD in Switzerland! He gave the repeater a kerchunk."
He was able to contact a Swiss ham, Rene, HB3XVR, on the repeater's
70-centimeter link.

On October 31, around 1500z, he tried the repeater once more. "I found the
repeater full quieting, even stronger than it was on October 23, it was
clean and easy to copy!

Lu called CQ several times on the repeater. and received no callers, but
finally, received a signal that was fading up and down. He called again
and was able to work David, WA3LXD, over the HB9HD repeater. After
a little while, his signal settled down, and David asked me what my QTH
was, and I told him I was in Tampa. He laughed and said we worked each
other 'the hard way,' because he was in Ocala, about 100 miles to my

As Solar Cycle 25 continues to rise toward its peak, amateurs can expect to
encounter more exciting propagation, especially on the 10- and 6-meter
bands.  In this case, the signals traveled roughly 9,800 miles round trip.

-- full article on arrl newsletter

3.  TAPR holding on-line Digital Communications Conference

on December 9, 2023, from 1700 to 2230 UTC (1200 to 1730 EST.
Log in details for the conference will be available at
prior to December 9.
TAPR is an international amateur radio organization that was founded
in Tucson, Arizona, in 1981 by a group of amateurs interested in developing
a terminal node controller (TNC) for amateur use.
Presentations during the conference will soon be listed on their website.
-- see for information

4.  Ham Radio Workbench "on the air" for 200th show.

The Ham Radio Workbench podcast is fast approaching its 200th show and it's
going to celebrate on December 3rd with a big HRWBOTA (pronounced:
her-wuh-bow-tuh)  It's short for Ham Radio Workbenches on the air. The
hosts are marking the occasion with a four-hour activation on HF, DMR
and AllStar that allows listeners to make contacts with each of the
presenters and to score points. Be listening between 1800UTC and 2200UTC. If you
work at least two hosts, you get a certificate of participation. There
are bigger certificates too. See details on the website h r w b o t a dot com

-- amateur radio newsline (Friday Nov 24th edition)

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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