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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for June 22, 2024
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.   50th Ontario Hamfest (July 13, 2024)

Sponsor:    Burlington Amateur Radio Club
Location:    Milton Fairgrounds, Milton ON
Times:    Commercial Vendors and Tailgaters 7:00, Public 9:00
Cost:        Guest admission $8.00, under 12 free with an adult.
Description:Large venue with room for many tailgaters. No preregistration required. Some commercial vendors will be present.
More info:
-- rac events page


2.  A Wiki for Open Source in Amateur Radio is a new wiki started by DK1MI which aims to highlight all things open source in amateur radio. From hardware to software, this project is designed to provide hams with a free source of information to help further their exploration into the ham radio hobby.

DK1MI is looking for additional contributors and has provided a how-to document for those interested.

Wiki URL:
-- via Amateur Radio Daily Website

3.   US Military to Improve Tracking of Hobbyists' Balloons

NORAD - the North American Aerospace Defense Command has been making a concentrated effort to track and identify objects that might be high-altitude weather, research or hobbyist radio balloons, such as ones launched by amateur radio clubs and school groups. NORAD is now studying numerous websites to determine as best as it can what balloons are flying over North America at any given time. US fighter jets shot down three hobbyists' balloons in 2023 after detecting - and shooting down - another high-altitude balloon, which the government department identified as a spy balloon from China.

NORAD is now taking a closer look at raw radar returns to ensure more hobbyists' balloons don't meet the same fate. NORAD now reaches out to hobbyist or researcher groups when it is practical to do so.

It seems to be working. In April, NORAD confirmed there was a hobbyist balloon that had been launched but concluded it did not pose a threat.

-- Patrick Clark K8TAC (Ham Radio Newsline)

4.  ARRL Systems Service Disruption (Updated 6/21/2024)

ARRL staff continue to work with outside industry experts to ensure that all servers have been remediated, tested, and all data has been confirmed.
We have also been working to ensure that the network is secure.

As noted in previous updates, Logbook of The World® servers are fine and working. LoTW® has dependencies on other servers, e.g. membership data, which have not yet been returned to service. We will announce when LoTW is open for user access. We anticipate that the queue will grow quite large
once live, and we are evaluating ways to manage that potential issue.

This story will be updated as new developments occur.
-- arrl news

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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