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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for January 13, 2024
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.   RAC Canada Day Contest 2023 certificates available.

The results from the 2023 Canada Day Contest have been published and
posted on the RAC Web site. A reminder that certificate winners can download their
certificate from the RAC site at this link:
Please follow the directions on the page and enter the contest, year and
your call.  Click on the search button and the system will bring up a downloadable
certificate if you were awarded one for the contest being searched for.
Thanks for your participation in the 2023 Canada Day contest.
Full contest results are at: (,

-- Bert Richie, VE5CPU



2.    State QSO Party Challenge results for 2023 are posted

Now four years old, one might expect the bloom to be off the rose for
the State QSO Party Challenge. However, reported statistics continued to increase and the
Worked All QSO Parties Award had another great year.
We again topped a million (1,189,221) QSOs that were reported to
3830Scores.  This is a slight increase over last years QSOs total (1,169,648).
2,095 operators submitted reports to 3830, also up slightly from 2022
(2,078). 883 of them qualified for the SQP Challenge with a minimum of two contacts in at
least two QSO parties.  Many of the number who did not qualify were in-state participants who
only participated in their own QSO party.
Participants certificates are available at:
-- website

3.   Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications

The Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications is a library of
materials and collections related to amateur radio and early communications. The DLARC is funded
by a significant grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, a private foundation, to
create a digital library that documents, preserves, and provides open access to the history of this
community.  Resources include callbooks, periodicals, newsletters and podcasts and

You can access the Digital Library at:

4.  Winter Field Day 2024 is coming up soon.

Sponsored by the Winter Field Day Association, WFD is scheduled to run
from 1900 UTC on Saturday, January 27, through 1859 UTC on Sunday, January 28.
WFD is held on the last full weekend in January and is a communications
exercise that can be worked from the comfort of your home or in a remote location. You can
participate by yourself, with your friends and family, or with a local club.
Operators may use frequencies on the HF, VHF, or UHF bands and are free
to use any mode that can faithfully transmit the required exchange intact. Similar to
ARRL's Field Day, bonus points are earned in several ways, including from using non-commercial power
sources, operating from remote locations, making satellite contacts, and more.
WFD is designed to help increase your level of preparedness for
disasters and for you to improve and practice your operating skills in winter environments, as the
potential for freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards present unique operating conditions.
See the website for full details:
-- arrl news

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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