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I really enjoyed Adam's presentation.  Building a hexbeam from scratch is impressive.

For anyone wanting to buy one, most if not all hexbeams for sale are based on the design by Steve Hunt G3TXQ (SK), that Adam described.  

Steve Hunt's website is still up and has all his hexbeam info as well as a wealth of info on baluns and chokes.  He did hundreds of tests of different chokes and distilled the results into a great design chart.  Check it out:

I don't own a hexbeam but have done a little research:

The Cadillac of hexbeams is the VHQ. It's relatively new (23 reviews on, 5 out of 5). Also the priciest (~$2300 CDN + shipping).

The most popular hexbeam is probably the one manufactured by K4KIO (187 reviews on, 4.9 out of 5).

Other USA manufacturers are:


DX Engineering:


There are also several European manufacturers.  

A complete list of all the hexbeams which have eHam reviews is at

Dave, VE3WI
Glad to see that Hex Beam presentation generated some interest in building one from scratch. It's a great antenna for small space, field day or expedition, only 22 ft diameter. Cheap TV rotator would be quite adequate because the one I built, the total weight is less than 10 pounds and very little wind loading. 
I used 1/2 inch fiberglass tubing which is fairly rigid compared to PVC used by Steve Hunt G3TXQ in his article. 

Attached is my modified hub for the spreaders cut from a 6" roll of aluminum 1" thick and pockets drilled for the spreaders. Easy installation.
Only 200 feet of #14 wire is required for a 6 band antenna.
Material to make 6 x 12 foot spreaders. 

Hex Beam Hub
[Image: Hex-Beam-Base002.jpg]

Hex Beam @ 2013 GBARC FD
[Image: DSC-0605.jpg]

Hex Beam @2013 GBARC FD

[Image: DSC-0606.jpg]
73, Adam ve3fp
This maybe of interest to those operating portable or POTA as well as adding more gear to carry around. 
I came across Buddihex video showing how easy it is to put up this (portable?) hex beam. 

For about $700 USD, you can add this to your arsenal. 

I've been planning to make my hexbeam easier to assemble, this video gave me some ideas. Maybe by next event  I will have an improved version.

Enjoy the video.
73, Adam ve3fp

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