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LARC planned NVIS exercise for Sunday Feb 5
Greetings fellow Hams,

The London Amateur Radio Club and the London ARES team would like to invite you to participate in an NVIS exercise we are planning for Sunday Feb 5.

We don’t use NVIS very often, and to verify you can operate successfully, you need some test stations within a couple of hundred miles. So we thought we’d invite Ontario Amateur Radio Clubs and ARES teams to participate in an exercise. We can all test out our NVIS configurations and get an idea of what the range of NVIS actually is. Feel free to invite others to join in.

We will operate as a directed net with a net controller here in London. We plan on being on the air from 2 PM to 5 PM and our planned 40 meter phone frequencies are (subject to conditions):
    7.225 MHz - primary
    7.190 MHz - secondary
    7.270 MHz - tertiary

As part of the check-in process, we will ask for 2 pieces of information:
    1. Your rough assessment of net control’s transmission quality:  Poor, OK, Good
    2. Your location

We hope to get this information onto a map somehow, and publish it on the website.

Our thanks to Brian Jurkowski VE3KLT for taking on Net Control for this exercise.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the organizer:

Doug Elliott VA3DAE
LARC Education Coordinator
London ARES EC
cell / text: (519) 630-8925
I will be participating.

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