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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for January 20, 2024
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.




1.   Canadian Ski Marathon 2024 (February 10-11, 2024)

Founded in 1966, the CSM is North America’s oldest cross-country ski
event. Held the 2nd weekend in February since 1967, it takes place in the beautiful
Outaouais region, centred on  Montebello. It is a two-day, family friendly event. It is not a race.
Skiers can ski on one to five sections each day. Each section averages 16 km, but there are longer and
shorter sections.
Checkpoints are set up at the start and end of each section.

Much of the ski trail used for the CSM is in semi-remote areas that have
little or no cell coverage. The CSM uses commercial digital radios for health, safety, and
logistics traffic.  However, the CSM needs the skills and knowledge of ham operators to run
a controlled net on the commercial radios. When equipment or environmental factors make
the commercial rigs difficult or impossible to use, 2m ham radio is used as a backup.

The important point is that the CSM needs people who are skilled at
operating on a controlled net.  Those are ham skills.  Volunteer now at
To comment, please send an email to Harrie Jones, VE3HYS or to Neil Herber, VE3PUE ve3pue at

-- Canadian Ski Marathon (RAC Events Database)

2.    USGS Thanks Winlink Amateur Volunteers for Shakeout Service

"We at the US Geological Survey really appreciate the work of the
Winlink amateur volunteers who contributed to the recent ShakeOut earthquake scenario exercise as
well as contributing to the USGS Did You Feel It? (DYFI) system since 2020. Winlink volunteers
have sent in more than 6,000 responses for exercises and actual events. We anticipate that
your contributions will help us provide critical situational awareness in the minutes and hours
after a significant earthquake.
You have a rather unique capacity to communicate after a damaging
earthquake.  "I've been really impressed with the enthusiasm and professionalism of
all the amateur radio operators we've worked with over the past few years who have been ready
and willing to develop the interface to connect directly to USGS via the DYFI system
and to the many operators who have sent in felt reports. Fantastic!
"Lastly, I also want to thank Vince Quitoriano (USGS contractor) for
making the connections between Winlink and USGS work so smoothly."
-- David Wald, PhD, Supervisory Research Geophysicist, U.S. Geological

3.   Neighborhood Radio Watch Ideas

The purpose of a Neighborhood Radio Watch program is to promote safety
and cohesiveness of the community neighborhoods by using radios to communicate. When
normal communications are lost, radio comms can save lives, or at least, reduce fears. When
times are tough, the ability to communicate with others can be calming. In normal times, scheduled radio
nets for the purpose of radio training and practice can help neighbors get to know one
another. That tends to make life better for those involved. For neighborhood communications, CB, General
Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) and Family Radio Service (FRS) radios are options.
We've tested out CB. In spite of excellent antennas, CB contact dropped
off after about 2 miles.  GMRS proved to be better. We communicated on channel 16, using maximum
power. Coverage was about 3 miles, maximum. FM gives a good signal until it starts to
fade. First it starts to crackle, but still remains copyable, then nothing.
The FRS radios we've tried are good for about half a mile. Since GMRS
and FRS can talk on the same frequencies, FRS can be a decent option for those who don't want to
spend the $35 to get a GMRS license.
-- Reid Tillery, K9RFT, Alachua County (Florida) ARES

4.  Solar Eclipse QSO Party April 8, 2024

The Solar Eclipse QSO Party is an opportunity for amateur radio
operators to operate during the April, 2024 eclipse, before, during and after it passes over North
America. Using various modes (CW, voice, and digital), QSOs made during the SEQP will contribute to
scientific studies focusing on the ionosphere’s reaction to the eclipse. The studies should lead to
a better understanding of the interactions between the Sun, the ionosphere, and radio wave
propagation. That research should benefit hams, professional broadcasters, satellite operators and other
users of the radio spectrum.
Eclipse paths can be seen at
Almost any ham station can participate. An HF radio and antenna, usable
on one or more of the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 10 and 6 meter bands is required.
The SEQP, while technically an 'operating event', closely mirrors the
definition of a ‘contest’.   
It is a friendly competition where participants endeavor to make many
contacts in a short period of time, over the widest possible area. QSOs will be short, with
specific information (callsigns, signal reports, station locations) exchanged between stations. If it is
your first contest, the first few minutes can be a bit overwhelming, but listen in, learn the
operating rhythm, and jump in!
The basic idea is to have as many hams as possible make as many QSOs as
possible, then collect their QSO data, carefully studying it for trends indicating how
far, how strong and where HF signals propagated vs. the path of the eclipses.
The HamSCI Data Processing Team will gather all of the entries submitted
on the SEQP website, visit propagation databases such as and,
and assemble millions of data points into a research database. From that database the HamSCI
Data Processing Team will be able to assign everyone a score, which will then be published
some months after the SEQP.  There is a solar eclipse event for those who are interested in
transmitting and receiving WSPR and FST4W signals: The Gladstone Signal Spotting Challenge
If you have questions regarding the Solar Eclipse QSO Party, send them
-- website

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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