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EZNEC Antenna Modelling
The Pro version of antenna modeling software EZNEC is now FREE as of today 1st January 2022. I have been using the previously free demo version for quite a few years but today I downloaded and installed the Pro version.

It is a Windows program but it runs nicely under Wine on my Linux Mint PC. One big advantage of the Pro version is the restriction of only 20 segments is removed so more complicated antennas can be modeled.

It's worth a look for anybody who wants to evaluate their antennas. I use it principally to determine the radiation pattern of my antennas.
For anyone interested, you can download the software from the author's (Ray Lewellan, W7EL) website:

Apparently there is an upgrade (Ver.7) to the free version coming shortly.

Also, there's an informative thread running on on this subject:

I downloaded Ver.6 but haven't tried installing yet.  John, I might need some tips on installing with wine on LM.  I'll give it a try & let you know.

Dave, VE3WI

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