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What Really Happened in Texas - An Engineer Explains
In the attached video, an engineer explains the events and circumstances which brought about the near collapse of the Texas power grid in February 2021. His video presents a very clear explanation which should be useful to everyone, engineers and non-engineers alike. This is not a political video, its focus is primarily about the physical causes of grid failure. I feel it is well worth the time to watch. Big Grin 

Those who are engineers, or have had professional experience with the operation of the power grid will find this especially interesting. Not all of the problems related to why Texas had their loss of power will directly translate to our grid here. Texas of course is not the only weak link in the power grid chain. I feel that owing to the interconnected nature of the grid, it should be obvious that problems elsewhere can and have in the past impacted us here. This will continue to be the case in the future.

I took special note of the fact that, in this video it is mentioned that Texas was less than 5 minutes from a total grid collapse. That collapse, had it occurred, may have taken down the entire grid and required months to bring back on-line. Months without grid power, seems unthinkable but, in my opinion is the very thing all EmComm operators should put at the top of a very short list of priorities. 


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