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Morse Code Day
April 27th is the annual "Morse Code Day" celebrating the birth of Samuel Finely Breese Morse, the inventor who developed the electric telegraph(1832 -35). In 1838 he and his friend Alfred Vail developed Morse Code which is used to this day. 
Morse code has been in practice for over [b]180 years[/b]—longer than any other electrical coding system. The language has found its way into Military, Aviation, Amateur Radio, and can even be transmitted by flashing lights. Additional significant use of this communication is to help those with disabilities be able to interact through simple tapping, or even through a skin buzzer.

Amateur Radio operators use it to this day, so get on the air and carry on the CW form of communication. 
. . . _   _ . _ _    _ _ . . .  . . . _ _ 
73, Adam ve3fp

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