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Net Report August, 25 2021
GBARC Wednesday August 25, 2021 Net Report
Marvin Double VE3VCG Net Controller

The question for the evening was, “Do you have an emergency plan”?
I also posed a teaser question:
Q:“What is the most valuable thing you your house”.

I explained that water is most valuable because you can’t survive without it. I noted the often quoted medical fact that you can live 3 weeks without food but only 3 days without water. I advised that everyone should have an emergency supply of fresh water on hand in the amount of roughly 3 liters of water per person per day.

I provided the link to the government website where there is detailed information about emergency planning,

The link between VE3OSR and VE3GBT was not working correctly. Stations joining the net via VE3GBT could be heard on VE3OSR but could not hear a response from OSR via GBT. This link failure led to some confusion and those stations using GBT were advised to use OSR directly is possible.

Marvin VE3VCG made a note to self that we need to add a fall back plan as part of the net control preamble which might include having a fallback or emergency operational plan for the net. This plan might be to use the simplex calling frequency 146.520 if the repeaters are not operational. This plan would also be include as part of the net controllers preamble.

A part of the pre-net responsibility of the net controller would then be to check for the correct function of the repeater. If repeater did not function correctly then the net controller would make an announcement using 146.520 for roughly 15 minutes after the scheduled start of the net. Stations monitoring would then be informed to go to 80 meters and the net would then commence there.

This information would also be distributed to all members of the club with the recommendation to print it as a note to post on or near the radio.

Participating stations on 2 Meters

Participating stations on 80 meters

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