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Simplex Saturday April 30th
Simplex Saturday
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sat., Apr. 30, 2022

GBARC will be holding its first Simplex Saturday this Saturday, April 30th 2022.
1. To test VHF communications readiness in an emergency if our repeaters become unavailable
2. Well, alright, to have a bit of radio fun

Frequency: 146.520 MHz, no tone. Yes, this is the simplex calling frequency. Hopefully other hams monitoring the frequency will check-in. We will QSY if asked to do so.

This will be an informal directed net. NCS will be John VA3KOT who will be operating portable using 50 watts into a 2m omnidirectional collinear antenna.

Short notice? Yes, emergencies tend to happen that way!
Please join us.
[quote pid="1352" dateline="1651090889"]
Tested the setup for Simplex Saturday, this afternoon. Radio will be an Icom 2620 dualband; antenna will be a Maxrad MBX-150. The antenna is a collinear 2m vertical (essentially 2 three-quarter waves stacked vertically with a matching hairpin in the middle). The combined height is approximately 9 feet. It will be mounted on a 3ft pole on my truck hitch. I will set both sides of the radio to VHF. If I can't hear you on simplex, try the repeater. My output power from the radio will start at 50 watts. I haven't been able to find a gain figure for the MBX-150 but my effective radiated power is expected to be around 100 watts. I will reduce power if I can to maintain battery charge.

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