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Setting Up N1MM for WFD
WFD is quickly approaching. 

Winter Field Day is always held the last full weekend in January. For 2023, it will be held on January 28th and 29th. The 24-hour operational period starts at 1900 UTC (2:00PM EST) on Saturday, the 28th and ends at 18:59 UTC (01:59PM EST) on Sunday, the 29th. Stations may begin setting up no earlier than 19:00 UTC on Friday before. However cumulative set-up time shall not exceed 12 hours.

If you are thinking of improving your operating skills at contesting, contribute to club tally or just see if you can do better then previous year then your setup should be ready and tested before the contest. We seem to experience that every Field Day.

I have put together complete set of instructions in the attached pdf file to help you make WFD logging painless, you may find this useful if this is your first or just to refresher. 

.pdf   WFD Setup.pdf (Size: 542.36 KB / Downloads: 3)

Hope you find it useful and don't forget to include "Georgian Bay ARC" in the Cabrillo file.

eg. partial cabrillo file
CLUB: Georgian Bay ARC

Looking forward to many QSOs.
73, Adam ve3fp

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