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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for September 16, 2023
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1. Simulated Emergency Test 2023: "Operation Dark Skies"

The Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is a Canada-wide exercise in
emergency communications,
which is administered by Radio Amateurs of Canada’s Community Services
Officer and
Section Managers. This year ‘s event is known as “Operation Dark Skies”
and will be held in
two parts as described below.

Operation Dark Skies: Part 1 - Saturday, October 14
Part 1 of the SET will be held for five hours on October 14, 2023,
including the solar eclipse.
The objective is to gather information on Amateur operations before,
during and after the event.
All data will be reviewed for future planning of emergency events.
Radio Amateurs of Canada is looking to engage as many operators as
possible and utilize
all bands and modes.

For more information, check out the article on the RAC website

-- Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT, RAC Community Services Officer

Operation Dark Skies: Part 2 - Monday, October 16
Part 2 of the Simulated Emergency Test  will be held on Monday, October
16  in partnership
with Niagara Regional Emergency Management and the Niagara’s Community
Response Team.
Radio Amateurs of Canada is looking for three teams to set up staging
areas for the SET and teams
that are willing to deploy for both operational and demonstration
purposes for
Emergency Management officials.

More details will be available at the training sessions which will be
held on September 22, 23 and 25
at 7 pm Eastern. Please contact to register.

SET Reporting will not be done this year so please attend the training
sessions for more information
on the reporting procedures.
-- Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT, RAC Community Services Officer

2.  Hurricane Ian to impact Atlantic Canada this weekend.

According to the hurricane track page at Environment Canada the centre
of  hurricane Ian will arrive
in Nova Scotia as a post-tropical storm at 1500 local on Saturday with
winds of 110 km/h,
tracking north east into New Brunswick with winds dropping to 85 km/h.
The projected path
will take it across the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Northern Peninsula
of Newfoundland by 2100 local
on Sunday with winds of 75 k/h.
Updated information is available at:
-- Environment Canada



3. Calling All Amateurs: We Need Your Help During Solar Eclipses!

Members of the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) will be
making radio contacts
during the 2023 and 2024 North American eclipses, probing the Earth’s
ionosphere. It will be a fun,
friendly event with a competitive element – and you’re invited to

Both amateur and professional broadcasters have been sending and
receiving radio signals around
the Earth for over a century. Such communication is possible due to
interactions between our Sun
and the ionosphere, the ionized region located roughly 80 to 1000 km

The upcoming eclipses (October 14, 2023, and April 8, 2024) provide
unique opportunities to
study these interactions. As you and other HamSCI members transmit,
receive, and record signals
across the radio spectrum during the eclipse, you will create valuable
data to test computer models
of the ionosphere.

For more information, go to

More about solar eclipses:

-- RAC website

4.  Wi-Fi 7: The Next Big Leap Or A Whole Lotta Nothing?

For most people, the Wi-Fi hardware of today provides a perfectly
satisfactory user experience.
However, technology is ever-evolving, and as always, the next
advancement is already around the
corner. Enter Wi-Fi 7: a new standard that is set to redefine the
boundaries of speed, efficiency,
and connection reliability.
Wi-Fi 7 is recognized in the official naming convention as IEEE
802.11be. It’s headline feature is
speed. Wi-Fi 7 is expected to provide speeds up to up to 46,120 Mbit/s.
That’s over four times
faster than Wi-Fi 6 and 6E, or over 4,000 times faster than 802.11b, the
first Wi-Fi standard the
world fell in love with. Wi-Fi 7 is also engineered with advanced
features to combat latency, bolster
capacity, and enhance stability and efficiency. And while it will be
backward compatible, like prior
Wi-Fi standards, unlocking its full potential will require users to
upgrade their devices.
Both standards utilize the same frequency bands: 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6
GHz. Yet, Wi-Fi 7
boasts some distinct enhancements.
- Hackaday

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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