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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for November 11, 2023
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  Special Calls to look out for:
Call:                  Sponsor:        From:            To:                 Reason:

VE9XMAS1       VE9MY      2023-12-13      2023-12-25      12 days of Christmas
VE9XMAS2       VE9GLF     2023-12-13     2023-12-25      12 Days of Christmas
VA7YOTA          VA7ASI      2023-12-01      2025-10-31      Youth On The Air Month
VE3YOUTH       VE3FCT     2023-12-01     2023-12-31      December YOTA Month
VA3AUPHYS     VA3MOF    2023-11-17      2023-11-17      Algoma University Physics Field Day
XL3A                  VA3RVK     2023-10-28     2023-11-26      150th anniversary of the RCMP
VC9A                 VE9CZ       2023-10-28      2023-11-26      CQ WW DX Contest

--IC Website

2. Fire Destroys Key Beacon on Maderia Island

A wildfire destroyed one of the newest installations to the Northern
California DX
Foundation's International Beacon Project. A blaze in October destroyed
radio beacon
CS3B on the Portuguese island of Madeira off Africa's northwest coast.
The CW beacon
had been in operation barely a month when fire swept through, destroying
the building,
the radio inside and the antenna. Replacement is expected to take some time.
The HF beacon was one of several operating on 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m and 10m
and was
viewed as an important resource for testing HF propagation between North
America and
Europe. The various beacons operate by transmitting once on each of
these bands every
three minutes, around the clock.
No timetable was disclosed for the beacon's return to service.
-- amateur radio newsline (Fri Nov 10, 2023)



3.  The Quarter Century Wireless Association celebrates their 76th
anniversary on December 5, 2023.

QCWA members in the US and its territories will be able to activate W2MM
for this event,
which will run for 7 days beginning on the first weekend of December.
At the end of December, all of the stations that worked W2MM will be
able to download a
commemorative certificate. Louis Maggio, NO2C, is providing this service
on a volunteer
basis, so please expect a 2- to 3-month lead time for certificates.
Contact QCWA Activities Manager John Kludt, K7SYS, at
for more information and scheduling.
The QCWA was founded in 1947 to provide an organization for the hobby's
QCWA promotes friendship and cooperation among amateur radio operators
licensed at
least a quarter century ago and who remain licensed today.
-- arrl news

4.  The First WAS Certificate Awarded for 33-Centimeter Band

On November 4, 2023, Al Ward's, W5LUA, 38-year quest to contact all 50
states on the
33-centimeter band ended when he received the first-ever Worked All
States certificate
for (902 - 928 MHz). Ward started collecting states on the band shortly
after it was opened in 1985.
"I am extremely grateful to Peter Van Horne, KA6U, for his EME
[Earth-moon-Earth] efforts.
I was able to work Wisconsin for my last state on the 33-centimeter band
on October 21.
At the end of September, I was sitting at 32 states confirmed with cards
and/or the
Logbook of The World, when Van Horne went on a 25-state expedition
providing my last 18 states," |
said Ward. In recent expeditions, Brian McCarthy, NX9O, and Jason Baack,
N1AV, also provided
several states that were needed.
Ward's station consists of a 5-meter dish with 400 W of power obtained
from two 300 W
Motorola amplifiers in parallel. His feed is a dual polarity patch feed.
Other stations on the hunt for the 33-centimeter WAS certificate that
are nearing completion
include AC0RA, K0DAS, and N1AV.
-- arrl news

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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