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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for March 30, 2024
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.    Reminder: Solar Eclipse April 8

Amateur radio will play many roles in the upcoming solar eclipse that will cross much of North America. Radio amateurs are welcome to participate in ionospheric research that is being conducted.
Find information about the Solar Eclipse QSO Party on the HamSCI web site.

Many emergency communications groups in the areas near totality are planning to be active surrounding the event. Hams will provide communications to served agencies, such as local governments, relief oranizations, and other groups that could benefit from resilient communications during a time when millions are expected to travel.

-- arrl newsletter

editor's note: Most nets in the eclipse areas will be directed nets.  Feel free to monitor, but don't check in unless invited to do so, and follow directions of the net control station.


2.   45th Annual Durham Hamfest

Sponsor:    North Shore ARC
Date:          Saturday, April 20, 2024
Location:    Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex
                   1867 Valley Farm Road South, Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7
Times:        0900 to 1200 hrs
Cost:           $10, children under 12 free
Email:         ve3lks @

--- RAC Events Page

3.   Ontario QSO Party - 3 weeks away - April 20-21, 2024

Rule changes for 2024: Self-spotting allowed and Distributed Multi-Multi operation is now defined.  If you are participating (even casually), please drop a note to: oqp @   or   fill out the form at:
We would like to have all Ontario multipliers activated this year.  The OQP counts towards the State QSO Party Challenge.
Full information on the OQP page at:

-- Paul, VA3PC - OQP Committee


4.   Free On-line Canadian Advanced Amateur Radio Course

Don, VE7DXE here, I'm the ham "behind the scenes" at  I'm excited to introduce the Advanced Amateur Radio Course now available for free on

Course Features:

- Mobile-Friendly Design: Accessible learning on-the-go, ensuring that enthusiasts can study anytime, anywhere.  
- Visual Aids and Quizzes: Engaging content that helps to enhance    retention and understanding.
- QSL (Question Specific Learning) Method: A novel approach focusing    on the 'why' behind answers to foster quick comprehension and    long-lasting knowledge.
- Interactive Quizzes and Final Exam: Each of the 7 study sections    concludes with a quiz, culminating in a 50-question practice exam.

Check it out at:

-- Don, VE7DXE (

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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