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LoRa Mesh Communication without Infrastructure: The Meshtastic Project
Meshtastic  explained

Because the technology is new it will be unfamiliar but, at its core it is still just RF. HAM's who like to tinker and build things might find this new technology interesting and engaging. As I noted in my presentation, I feel that developing community based "Mesh-Networks" is one way to extend and enhance the reach of emergency communications.

Such networks could be vitally important during extended disruption of normal communications. Community based mesh-network communications could allow many communities to solve some problems locally during emergencies. However, with HAM radio participation, the range of community mesh-networks could also be dramatically extended. HAM radio operators, operating as part of ARES could relay messages received via a community mesh-network to a served agency even in the midst of to total failure of the power grid.

However, to understand the community mesh-network idea requires to you first understand the technology. Watching the embedded video is a good first step to understanding. Following is the video, enjoy


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