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Field Day 2021
Looks like mother nature put a damper on my Field Day operation this year. With the Covid-19 restrictions and now the rain and possibility of thunder storms for most of the operating time, I decided to operate from my home station. I know, it's not the same as setting up and operating as a group with members of the club even in the rain but this is different. 
I will use the exchange VE3FP 1D ONS
Good luck to all taking part in FD 2021 & hope to hear you on the air.
73, Adam ve3fp
I had a "damper" put on my FD as well, but the rain wasn't from mother nature.  We had a big flood in our kitchen a couple of days ago, right above the room I use as a shack.  All the equip on my desk (IC-7300 & 706, PC, monitor, PS, SWR meter, DSP speaker, headset, etc.) got pretty wet before I got the power shut off and got in with a tarp to cover it.  Got most other stuff moved out of harm's way.  I've had the heat on and a dehumidifier running but the carpet is still damp.  The ceiling is sprayed stucco and isn't pretty.

If this were a real disaster scenario I could get on the air, but I've kinda lost interest for this year. 

Good luck to all
Dave, VE3WI
Wow! That's not good Dave. Sorry to hear about your damper. Looking after your disaster has higher priority then working FD, good luck getting back to normal. 
I sort of lost interest in doing FD this year but I always looked forward to this event as a group. Operating from home station just doesn't feel right for doing FD and setting everything up in the rain and not sure if I'd be able to operate due to the t-storms is just not worth it. So, VE3FP 1D ONS will be for this year.

Again, good luck Dave.
73, Adam ve3fp
Ran the generator, been operating as 1E ONS, so far have 80 contacts all SSB...will try some more tomorrow...rained pretty hard here as well and had to pause for some thunder and lightning...
It's all over now till next year. Start was little slow, most activity was on 20m and some on 40m till later in the evening. I didn't hear anyone on 160 so slid back down and worked 80 and 40 till about 11:30pm. Done for the night with around 250 contacts in the log. Next day started out on 80 and when that started to go dry, moved up few bands worked 20, 15 and 10. All wide open.
Rounded out the day with over 500 contacts. Not bad for a relaxed FD. Still, would have been better doing it as a group.

73, Adam ve3fp
A relaxed  S & P  effort here,  just short of 5 hours ...   Single band  (40M )   ( 75 x CW,  25 x digital..)   generally very good condx and strong sig's.
Now let's have a great CANADA DAY......
Good to hear you had relaxed S&P. I was surprised that I only worked 15 VEs and out of those 5 were ONS section. I was going to quit shortly after breakfast on Sunday but started to get really busy on 15m and I thought I'll just work another 10 Qs and ended up staying pretty well to the end.  Hate leaving pileups. hi hi.
I guess I worked about 12 - 14 hrs in total. 
I am planning on doing Canada Day Contest.  
73, Adam ve3fp

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