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ZS6BKW antenna
According the author of this video you should Say Goodbye to that G5RV! Look at the ZS6BKW. Here is his proof of concept.
Enjoy the video and let me know if you decide to take the plunge and build one. Big Grin

I noticed a link on to an in-depth technical article about this antenna, written by it's developer Brian Austin G0GSF (ex ZS6BKW).  It's taken from a UK QRP magazine called Sprat & starts part way down page 1.

He determined the optimum impedance for the parallel-line matching section of feedline is about 400 ohms.  That's convenient as the actual impedance of the "450 ohm" window line you can buy is about 400 ohms. 

Claimed performance is impressive for a no-ATU antenna:

band                  40m   20m    17m    12m    10m

center freq.        7.1     14.2    18.1    24.9    28.97

min. SWR          1.1:1   1.1:1   1.3:1  1.4:1   1.4:1

2:1 BW (kHz)    360      270     380    260      400

Dave, VE3WI

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