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N1MM+ tips
I set up the field Day log on N!mm+  tonight and was reading around a bit... here are a few points I came across

Run N1MM+ in Administrator Mode"
Here are some logging tips from Jim, VE7FO

Q: I always have a problem with the FD GOTA log. Besides just logging the QSO,
I also need to ID the operator, the operators age and the GOTA coach. This has
always been difficult to reconstruct after the fact. Any body else seen this?

A: Just give the GOTA coach the following responsibilities: When a new op comes
on have him hit CTRL-O and enter his call or name followed by a space and his age.
This gets two of the vital pieces of info into the log. Require the coach to keep a log
of his on and off times at the GOTA position; or you could add the coach’s call at the
end of the CTRL-O stuff too. You’ll have to increase the width of the operator column
in the log in order to see all this.

Networking and the GOTA station

If you are networking multiple computers for Field Day and you also have a GOTA
station, do not network the GOTA station with the other stations. The GOTA station
uses a different callsign, and its contacts are not included in the main FD log. Networking
the GOTA station’s logging computer with the rest of the network will result in incorrect
logging at both stations.

 Using FT8 on Field Day

Users planning to operate the FT8 (or related) mode with WSJT-X on Field Day
should read about the WSJT-X to N1MM+ interface in the manual section on the
WSJT Decode List window. Remember to set the Mode category in the
Contest Setup to SSB+CW+DIGITAL.

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