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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for Aug 5, 2023
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada 
with this week's bulletin.


1. RAC Advanced Course for Maple Leaf Operators: Fall 2023

Radio Amateurs of Canada is once again offering an online Advanced 
Qualification Amateur Radio Course so that individuals can upgrade 
their qualifications.

With your Advanced Certificate, you can run higher power, operate a 
remotely-controlled station, obtain operating privileges when travelling 
overseas, set up repeaters, be the trustee for club stations and even 
become an Accredited Examiner (AE) if you have the Morse code qualification. 

Course information:
The course will be 10 sessions and each session will be two hours long.

In order to offer maximum flexibility, we will be running two Advanced 
courses so students will be able to choose one of the following two options 
Sunday afternoons or Monday evenings

There is room on the conference server for 200 participants in each session. 
Auditors are welcome to attend on a space-available basis, provided they are 
RAC Maple Leaf Operator members.

For full information check out the RAC website.
-- RAC news


2. RAC Welcomes New Ontario North/East Region Director

Radio Amateurs of Canada would like to congratulate Craig Delmage, VE3OP/VE3KKU, 
on his election as RAC Director for the Ontario North/East Region.

Craig was elected by the members of the region and will take office immediately 
to complete the two-year term ending December 31, 2024.

Welcome aboard Craig!

-- Phil McBride, VA3QR/VA3KPJ, RAC President and Chair

3. 13th Annual - JUNK-in-the-TRUNK - - Barrie ARC Hamfest !!! 

Date : Saturday, August 26, 2023 
Location: 410 St. Vincent Street - Barrie Legion #147
    Corner of Cundles and St Vincent Streets, Barrie
          Overflow parking across from Legion or Medical building plaza
Times : Outdoor Vendors 7:30, General Public 8:30 
Cost : General Public - FREE - FREE - FREE 
  *** Donations to the Legion would be gratefully accepted 
Talk-in : 147.000+ Tone 156.7 VE3RAG repeater 
Info    : *** Profits will be split and donated to the Barrie Legion !!!
Email  : 
Webpage : 


4. HAARP Experiment

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) will host more 
than 50 researchers at their Alaska facility from August 1 -14, 2023, for 
the resumption of a science summer school that will conduct 30 experiments 
over a span of two weeks.

One of the experiments, Ghosts in the Air Glow by Canadian artist Amanda 
Dawn Christie, will give amateur radio operators and shortwave listeners an 
opportunity to help with on-going geospace research. This transmission art 
project will begin on Monday, August 14, 2023, and use the HAARP Ionospheric 
Research Instrument to mix audio and images from the transition between 
Earth's atmosphere and outer space. They will then be received and decoded 
via software-defined radio. Amateur radio operators and shortwave radio 
listeners around the world are invited to tune in and submit reception reports.

Event information, including transmission times, frequencies, modes, and 
report submission guidelines, is available at the project's website, 
Ghosts in the Air Glow. Each experiment participants will receive a QSL card.

-- ARRL newsletter 

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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