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Calling all Amateur Radio enthusiasts.
Field Day 2024 is upon us this coming weekend.  Hope to see you all there at this great event that I think will be quite the event.

We are looking for folks to operate stations as well as possibly assist with set-up Saturday morning and tear down Sunday afternoon as well as bring an item to heat up supper.  A heating plate or BBQ or camping stove to heat up supper would be great.  That would complete the event requirements. 

Aside from the above, do come out to see what we have to display for any guests that show up.

  -  Mobile Repeater
  -  Off grid 100W HF stations
      >  Generator powered
      >  Solar powered
  -  HF radio email
  -  Portable HF antenna Tower with rotor
  -  Variety of antenna types
  -  Variety of emergency HF station set-ups

If you are going to bring something or would like to operate a station at any particular time, contact the club from the web site indicating what you will bring and/or what times you wish to operate.

Looking forward to seeing you there. 

Till Field Day, this is Frank, VA3-Golf Uniform Foxtrot saying 73.


Grey County ACS/ARES Co-ordinator

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