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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for 25 January, 2025
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1. OFCOM Eyes Privileges For More Visiting Hams In UK

Ofcom has issued a consultation proposing to implement application-free short-term reciprocal licensing for amateurs visiting from non-CEPT countries and with whom the UK has a bilateral agreement.

The regulator said that this would expand a privilege that is already afforded to hams with a full licence from CEPT-signatory countries.  It would apply to foreign hams whose stays do not exceed three months. The privilege is currently available only to hams who hold a full licence from non-CEPT signatory countries, including Thailand, Brazil, Sri Lanka and Qatar, among others.

After the three-month limit, foreign amateurs may apply for an additional six months under the existing reciprocal full temporary licence process or apply for a full UK licence from Ofcom.  The regulator said that this change would reduce its administrative burdens and costs.
-- Jeremy Boot G4NJH. (via ham radio newsline)

2.  BC QSO Party (Feb. 1-2)

20 hours in length, starting 1600z Sat to 0359z Sun, and 1600z Sun to 2359z Sun
Modes are CW and SSB.
Multipliers are BC Electoral Districts
See full details at:


3.  IP400 Network Project Announced in Alberta

IP400 aims to bring digital voice modes, data transfers, messaging, and a data networking layer that links repeaters together via RF.  We have a ground floor opportunity to develop our own mesh network in the 420-450 MHz band that can be used for many different applications, the limit of which is the imagination alone. The first step is to get a simple chat and beaconing application running to experiment with the technology. From there we can layer on other features and frame types, and then consider moving into the repeater world. To give the project a name, it has been dubbed ‘IP400’, for Intelligent (not Internet!) Protocol.
Those interested in the project can join the IP400 list. A GitHib repository of initial software has been established.
-- Martin Alcock VE6VH with supports from Alberta Digital Radio
Communications Society.     
IP400 project home on ADRCS:

4. HAMSCI Hosting Zoom Sessions For Personal Space WX Stations

With terrestrial and solar weather on almost everyone's mind these days, HamSCI, the citizen science research group in the US, has announced it is hosting Zoom sessions to assist with its Personal Space Weather Station network. HamSCI hosts the sessions at 10 a.m. Eastern Time every Thursday on Zoom. The group is hoping to expand its network and improve data collection for additional studies. Visit hamsci dot org or more details.

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or clarifications?
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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