2025-02-03, 14:09:26
DX-Adventure is thrilled to announce our upcoming DX-pedition to the beautiful South Andaman Islands (IOTA AS-001).
From March 10th to March 20th, 2025, an experienced team of 12 operators will be active from South Andaman, operating 6 stations around the clock on bands from 10m to 160m (incl. WARC + 60m), using CW, SSB, and DIGI.
Months of careful planning and preparation have brought together an international team of experienced DX-peditioners, including:
Months of careful planning and preparation have brought together an international team of experienced DX-peditioners, including:
ON4AMX Marc | ON4HIL Patrick | ON5UR Max | ON5RA Pascal | ON5TN Karel | ON6CC Marc | ON7FT Jonas | ON7USB Geert | ON7RU Franky | ON8AZ Francis | PA3EWP Ronald | PA9M Marcel.
Six stations mean a lot of material and it is a big challenge to transport it all to VU4. With 1.150kg of equipment meticulously prepared, we will try to offer the best experience possible for you, covering 24/7 operations to maximize the change on having a QSO with us. VU4 ranks as #28 for the USA and #53 worldwide, making it a rare and exciting challenge
Needless to say, your support is essential to make this DX-pedition a success. We deeply appreciate our sponsors and suppliers for their ongoing support and welcome further contributions to help us achieve a memorable DX-pedition.
We understand the importance of providing opportunities for USA operators and will closely monitor propagation conditions to maximize the chances of QSOs with stations across the United States.While we cannot make any promises, we assure you that we will do our best to optimize operations and increase the chances of QSOs with USA operators.
To ensure maximum efficiency during this DXpedition, the team is supported by three experienced Pilot Stations: W2IRT | Peter J. Dougherty - E21EIC | Champ - ON9CFG | Björn. If you can hear VU4AX signals while they are operating in another region, through long path, or under unusual conditions, please notify your regional pilot. Your input will help them gather and analyse vital information which will then be relayed to the team.
For contact details of the Pilot Stations, please visit the DX-Adventure website.
For contact details of the Pilot Stations, please visit the DX-Adventure website.
Stay updated with the latest news at www.dx-adventure.com.
73, and we look forward to making a QSO with you from VU4 South Andaman!
The DX-Adventure Team