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Field Day Saturday Results
Operating from my trailer on my home driveway in Owen Sound. Yaesu FT891, 100W into a sloper End Fed Half Wave (actually a loading coil shortened 80m EFHW) on 40m. I made a modest 32 CW contacts in 3 hours Saturday afternoon. I plan to be back at the key after a family obligation at about 11am Sunday.

Just using my home station operating 1D. Using the ANAN7000DLE at 100 watts. Antenna is the 40m double extended zepp. At 8:30 pm I have about 30 contacts on 80 and 40m ssb. So this is just an update, will keep going. 73
(2020-06-27, 19:49:44)VA3TS Tom Wrote: Just using my home station operating 1D. Using the ANAN7000DLE at 100 watts. Antenna is the 40m double extended zepp. At 8:30 pm I have about 30 contacts on 80 and 40m ssb. So this is just an update, will keep going. 73
Bad start for me this FD. Confused I was camping till Friday and I used my T2FD Antenna that I used on past FDs at the campground. So now I put it up at home and thought this was  easy FD setup but things didn't work out that way. SWR was between 7 and 10 so something didn't make sense. I checked everything and found my balun was the problem so I had anther one partly wound and replaced it. Now a new problem! Angry I can hear stations but can't make any contacts. By 6pm I had 4 contacts, so I thought I will give up on this years FD but don't give up easily. Got my OffSet Diple out and not have to get it up in the trees. Couple of 807s  later I got it strung up. SWR under 2.5 on all 80 - 6 meters. Happy again.  Wink
Now I am making contacts.  41 on 80, 159 on 40 and 13 on 20. 
Going to bed now and start again in the morning. Hope the bands cooperate tomorrow.
73 de ve3fp
73, Adam ve3fp
Having fun here...    Got a late start yesterday  and working  S&P ..  Don't have the best antennas or "Power" to compete on a "RUN".
Just got off a the RS-44 satellite..  Not the best pass this morning..  Very low on the western horizon and I  have to shoot through a dense
woodlot in that direction  but managed 2  solid QSO's which will give us some bonus points..  Hope to get more later.. 

Good luck,,   73   P...  "PQ

Don't forget we all must enter the club name in exactly the same way on the ARRL submission form..
"Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Club"      in order to get the aggregated total score....
Fun weekend for sure. Late start due to antenna issues but managed to rack up some points. Had enough CQing FD for this year, I'll save some for next year. 
Hope everyone has a great and safe summer.  
Don't forget the Canada Day contest coming up 0000z - 2359z July 1.
73 de ve3fp
73, Adam ve3fp
Big Grin I operated from 2pm till about 11 pm last night, then again today starting about 9am till 2. Actually it was enjoyable, I didn't have to swat any mosquitoes, and I must admit, the chair is more comfortable than what we normally use at field day. Most contesters say the same thing, that more than most things, it's important to be able to sit in the chair, so it pays to have a comfortable one. As this was going on, the Bell tech was here Saturday and again this morning to check on noise issues we have on the phone. So much so, it would disrupt the internet as well, so that didn't go over well with the xyl. Anyway I didn't knock myself out and made 101 contacts all ssb...

80   37
40   52
20   12
Correction of Club Name for Field Day entry------  re   my previous posting......
( See other post by Dave,  VE3WI..)

Seems that ARRL have retained the club name in their records  from previous years participation:   "Georgian Bay ARC"....
So that's how you should tag your entry for this years event........

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