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POTA Activations June 15/16 2021
Glad to see that they lifted the Covid-19 restrictions just in time for our booking at Selkirk PP. Also did a POTA activation(VE-0381). I set up my station in the screen tent but moved inside on Wednesday and Thursday. It got to  cold after the sun set. 
I used the Icom IC-7000 with T2FD at abt 25ft on one end and 7ft on the other. Not the best setup but did the job. Operated mainly on 40m after 0000z for about an hour. Had 27 Qs on 14th, 51 on 16th, 15 on 17th and 19 on the 18th. Submitted my logs to POTA and LoTW. 
Condx like the weather went downhill after Monday, on Wednesday night got down to 8 deg C. It was still enjoyable week. Looking forward to next trip in July to Oastler Lake. Hope the wood tick population is much lower up there.
73, Adam ve3fp

Messages In This Thread
POTA Activations June 15/16 2021 - by VA3KOT John - 2021-06-19, 14:13:21
RE: POTA Activations June 15/16 2021 - by Adam_VE3FP - 2021-06-19, 19:43:27

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