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General Message form ICS-213
The General Message form attached to this post can be used when operating as a radio operator during an ARES activation at a Municipal or County site.  Simply send the message handed to you and keep the copy on file for possible response or receive and write out the message on a blank General Message form and have it handed to the intended recipient.  Serialize each message sent or received with a YYYYMMDDHHmm number format and log this in your log.  When you receive a message with a subject that has your serial number on it, then simply write the response in the response section of the General Message form and hand it back to the original message originator.

General Messages handed to you with the response section filled out, simply forward on the reply message indicating it is a reply message and file it in a separate response folder.  We therefore would have 2 folders of messages, one with messages originating and sent from your location with no response received and another folder with all the reply messages sent that were responses to first time messages received at your location.




Attached Files
.pdf   - ICS-213 general message 1 pager.pdf (Size: 169.31 KB / Downloads: 5)

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General Message form ICS-213 - by VA3-GUF-Frank - 2021-10-25, 13:11:30

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