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Great Shake Out SET 2021
The Great Shake Out Simulated Emergency Event was just completed in the US. Many US ARES stations took part. This video outlines what was done and why as well as results of the SET.

You might wonder why we should have any interest in such an event here in Eastern Canada. After all this area is not prone to earth quakes. This is entirely true. We do have some earthquake activity here, but it's minor and pretty rare. However, my interest is in the exercise itself. The organization of such an event takes a lot of planning and coordination. Just setting up the event provide a valuable lesson in how groups can work together. In a real emergency this then kind of rapid deployment of an organized response is key to maintaining communications, irrespective of the kind of emergency.

Yes, I can already hear the discordant tones of those saying, but this is an American event and things in Canada are different. What I am looking at here are first principals and common issues, not differences between countries. ARES or ACS groups on both sides of the border will face exactly the same problems in the event of an emergency call out. The organizational structure of exact operating protocols might vary somewhat but these matters will be less important than the ability of a group or groups to work out problems within an evolving event or series of events.

I take information from any source that provides me with a foundation on which to build my own organization. In order to understand what works or does not work it is useful to see how others do things and learn from their experiences, successes and/or mistakes.

The Great Shake Out 2021 is another opportunity to learn. In sharing it I hope others will benefit as I have from this SET.

Oh yes, and perhaps one day you might wish to volunteer to help after a major earthquake event. It is not unthinkable to Canadians ARES / ACS volunteers may find themselves assisting at some US disaster site, or perhaps in another part of the world, like Tibet or Mexico. So then, the more you know, the better prepared you will be to be useful in such a situation. Big Grin

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Great Shake Out SET 2021 - by Marvin VE3VCG - 2021-11-20, 11:22:39

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