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Basic with honours qual and the use of amplifiers
To be sure, manufacturers have not done us any favours in their zeal to sell wattmeters. They even include switches to apparently differentiate between PEP and AVG power. Take it with a grain of salt, in instrumentation, the devil is always in the details.

Many years ago I too had an elmer, his call was VE3EFX Bill, he often pointed out that amplifiers cause more issues than they solve and are best left to those with the qualifications and the knowledge to keep the beast in check. There was never any question, on HF, if you didn't possess the advanced ticked, you didn't have or need an amplifier.

Thousands of hams' have worked the world on a wire dipole and 100 watts, this has not changed.

He also advocated improvements in the antenna system (which includes the feedline), whatever that may be, beam antennas and some wire antennas have some gain to them and the important part to remember is that the gain antenna not only helps on transmit, but more importantly, on receive as well. No amplifier helps on the receive signal. So this is where the saying arises, "big mouth, but no ears". Others can hear your thousand watts, but you can't hear them no matter how loud they yell into the mic.


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wattmeters - by Tom VA3TS - 2022-04-19, 10:55:15

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