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Field Day Feedback Please
Field Day wouldn't be the same if there were no contesting but it's not the same type as your major contests such as CQWW, NAQSOParty or others contests.
Field Day contesting is more casual, relaxed and opportunity for others that may not have a capability to do from their own QTH for various reasons. 
In my 40+ years in this hobby we always had at least 3A stations, usually 2 SSB and 1 or more mixed SSB/CW or other modes. 

Various demonstrations/presentation are great for the new hams as well as the public to show many aspects of our hobby.

Public relations, such as setting up information table with pamphlets and having a PR person(s) to talk with the public about our hobby.

Setting up a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for visitors to try their hand at operating. 

I don't know what Field Day would be like without any of these, may just have picnic and leave the radios at home. What would a home station operating 1D do if not contesting.

This past year was different from previous years but still had fun and I wouldn't want to change any of it other than being prepared more in advance.
73, Adam ve3fp

Messages In This Thread
Field Day Feedback Please - by VA3KOT John - 2022-06-27, 08:46:12
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Adam_VE3FP - 2022-06-27, 15:54:16
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Tom VA3TS - 2022-06-30, 09:30:53
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Adam_VE3FP - 2022-06-30, 22:16:07
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Rob_Walker - 2022-07-01, 14:12:15
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Tom VA3TS - 2022-07-01, 22:37:41
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by VA3KOT John - 2022-07-06, 11:38:48
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by VE3WI Dave - 2022-07-06, 19:44:34
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by VA3KOT John - 2022-07-07, 10:40:33

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