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Field Day Feedback Please
Thanks for all the feedback and ideas. I was personally very disappointed in our FD. The whole point of Field Day is to demonstrate our capability to setup radio communications in the field and to promote that readiness to our community. The social side of it is the enjoyment we get from doing that and the team spirit involved. The time for sitting around in lawn chairs is during meal breaks and during off-shift periods.

GBARC's FD 2022 was mainly a social event. Adam's station was the only one ready to operate. Our SSB station only operated on Saturday and produced only 5 contacts. Our digital station only became operational during the last hour of the event. I have read the suggestions about how we should have stations set up for various bands, but where are the operators?

Adam's comment that FD is not as serious as other contests is very valid. We don't have to be contesters to participate. It would be sufficient to demonstrate a working station and show how we can keep it operational for a 24 hour period with emergency power.

In regard to promotion of the event, based on the poor response to the forum post I made 2 weeks prior to Field Day, I decided not to potentially embarrass the club by inviting dignitaries and the media to attend and witness how poorly prepared we were. If we are serious about offering our services as an emergency communications group we need to significantly improve our readiness.

Perhaps the whole event has changed as a result of the events of the last 2 years. I have attended Field Day events for more than 20 years, with 3 different clubs before joining GBARC, and this year's event, although enjoyable as a social gathering, was the most disappointing from an operations perspective.

I thank Tom for offering his QTH as a venue for next year. This year's venue was a good radio location but attracted undesirable visitors who vandalized our porta-potty.

For the future, let's make a decision. Our we an active radio club, or a social group? We can be both as long as we maintain a balanceĀ  between the two.

Re N1MM:
Suggestion: some of us are allergic to Microsoft Windows and can't install N1MM. How about the club acquiring a Windows laptop with N1MM, Winlink and any other Windows only software for use on ARRL Field Day, Winter Field Day and similar events?

Messages In This Thread
Field Day Feedback Please - by VA3KOT John - 2022-06-27, 08:46:12
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Adam_VE3FP - 2022-06-27, 15:54:16
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Tom VA3TS - 2022-06-30, 09:30:53
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Adam_VE3FP - 2022-06-30, 22:16:07
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Rob_Walker - 2022-07-01, 14:12:15
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by Tom VA3TS - 2022-07-01, 22:37:41
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by VA3KOT John - 2022-07-06, 11:38:48
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by VE3WI Dave - 2022-07-06, 19:44:34
RE: Field Day Feedback Please - by VA3KOT John - 2022-07-07, 10:40:33

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