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WTWW off the Air
I haven't been a shortwave listener for years. But I am aware that WTWW was a legendary shortwave transmitter. In this video the station is remembered and memorialized by someone who was a real fan and a genuine radio enthusiast.

55 years ago shortwave radio kept me company while doing homework in the wee hours of the morning while I was in college. Hearing stations from thousands of miles away offering news and views that were not local was a wonderful experience that expanded my world view. It made me aware that there were other people living, laughing and loving somewhere over the horizon.

For me radio offered a unique way to gain some understanding how we are all different and yet the same. It was and is a kind of electronic magic carpet that offered a limited but important cross cultural experience that was also a kind of time machine. Radio signals were not restricted by time zones or boundaries on map. They could leap over oceans and ignore mountain ranges carrying with them a limited but valuable connection to others and transcending the limiting factors that isolate and separate.

The very non-technical human aspect of radio which I think is to often not given its proper due. There is no formula to calculate how these boxes called radios resonate on such a powerful emotional level. This video really does express the emotional potency radio can and does have in the lives of millions, or to this author.

If you like me have a connection to shortwave listening you will appreciate the sentiments expressed in the video, enjoy


Messages In This Thread
WTWW off the Air - by Marvin VE3VCG - 2022-11-13, 09:37:34
RE: WTWW off the Air - by Ve3nbj - 2022-11-13, 14:01:35
RE: WTWW off the Air - by VE3WI Dave - 2022-11-14, 14:34:53
RE: WTWW off the Air - by VE3WI Dave - 2022-11-14, 18:46:30

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