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RAC Winter Contest
Last major contest of the of the year came to an end and was surprised the number of CW operators took part. I operated CW only but I thought I would do some SSB time permitting but got too busy although would have been nice to have another operator do SSB and enter Multi-Multi Category. Maybe next year. 
Bands were in good shape most of the time but as usual conditions change though out the day. 40m was open at the start of the contest following by 80m then 160m into the night. When things slowed down on 160m I decided to get some rest and start fresh in the morning. 80m was alive from abt 7am to 9am then 40m was productive for few hours. By 10am higher bands gained lot of activity for reminder of my activity which ended shortly after five. By then I've worked most of the stations I could hear. All in all was a very good contest for me. 
I hope to place in the top 10 in Single Op CW category. RAC doesn't post the result till May of next year so I see the actual result when posted.

Here are my results summary. 

[Image: 2022-RAC-Winter-VE3-FP-Summary.jpg]

Hope to see/hear GBAC members on the air in the next Contest. Looking forward to Winter Field Day.
73, Adam ve3fp

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RAC Winter Contest - by Adam_VE3FP - 2022-12-17, 21:03:31

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