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Hardline splicing
I contacted Karl, the author of the article, and we got a bit of a dialog going on.  If you go to the Groups IO forums where the repeater builders hang out, there are mixed opinions on the dielectric.

My inquiries said foam dielectric is 2 to 3 times better than air, but it didn't say say at what frequency.  Karl uses air and has had no problems.  I think the sure-fire test would be to connect a VNA and see if you get a bump down the line.  My guess is you would get less of a  performance or return loss issue with the copper tubing verses all the Andrews N connectors and couplers.  Either way, the return loss would be so insignificant in my short run (<200') , it would not make a difference

I hope to keep you posted

By the way, 1/8" OD refrigerant copper tubing will take care or the centre conductor.


73 Rob

Messages In This Thread
Hardline splicing - by Rob_Walker - 2023-01-22, 20:54:04
RE: Hardline splicing - by Tom VA3TS - 2023-01-23, 20:24:38
RE: Hardline splicing - by Rob_Walker - 2023-01-23, 21:21:29

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