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How can we attract and retain members?
I originally just emailed the Exec about the article.  Here's a link for anyone who wants to see the video & the accompanying comments. No login required.

John posted a quote from one of the comments.  I think it hits the nail on the head: "They have to enjoy radio more then Roberts rules. Really they have to enjoy playing radio, and if the club isn’t getting out and doing radio things why even be there. You have to have fun little events...."

I think we should work on creating some "fun little radio events".  Maybe we can start collecting ideas, e.g. things we can do indoors (for winter), and some where we need to be outdoors (for summer).  Thoughts?

Also I think it might be instructive if the Exec contacted the other former members who haven't renewed and discuss why GBARC is no longer attractive to them, and what we might do to change that.

The reality is that no matter how hard we try, there will always be a small core of active members taking leadership roles in our activities, and a larger group of members who are more comfortable with passive roles.  That's the way it is in most clubs.  I've talked to lots of club execs while helping to staff the RAC booth at Dayton, and large or small club, they all say much the same thing.  But, if we work hard at holding "fun little radio events" we may be able to swell the ranks of active members though.  

Dave, VE3WI

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RE: How can we attract and retain members? - by VE3WI Dave - 2023-01-27, 14:09:07

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