2023-01-27, 16:16:50
Here are some ideas for things we can do both indoors and outdoors:
- Antenna building classes: dipoles, End-Fed Half-Waves, ground planes for VHF and HF, full wave loops, small magnetic loops
- Builder projects: antenna tuners, test equipment
- Operating our club HF rig - learning the controls; how and when to use RIT, XIT, AGC, RF gain, IF shift. Transmit into a dummy load or find a way to route a coax to an outdoor antenna - or use a magnetic loop indoors. Explore digital modes; learn techniques for handling pile-ups on SSB
- Demonstrations of ham radio to our indigenous hosts
- Parks On The Air (POTA) activations as a club station, using a club callsign at local POTA entities such as the Bruce Trail in Harrison Park, Arboretum, Hibou Conservation Area.
- DX hunting
- Fox hunting equipment and demonstrations
- Public service demonstrations
Blog: HamRadioOutsideTheBox.ca
Blog: HamRadioOutsideTheBox.ca