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How can we attract and retain members?
Here are some ideas for things we can do both indoors and outdoors:
  1. Antenna building classes: dipoles, End-Fed Half-Waves, ground planes for VHF and HF, full wave loops, small magnetic loops
  2. Builder projects: antenna tuners, test equipment
  3. Operating our club HF rig - learning the controls; how and when to use RIT, XIT, AGC, RF gain, IF shift. Transmit into a dummy load or find a way to route a coax to an outdoor antenna - or use a magnetic loop indoors. Explore digital modes; learn techniques for handling pile-ups on SSB
  4. Demonstrations of ham radio to our indigenous hosts

  1. Parks On The Air (POTA) activations as a club station, using a club callsign at local POTA entities such as the Bruce Trail in Harrison Park, Arboretum, Hibou Conservation Area.
  2. DX hunting
  3. Fox hunting equipment and demonstrations
  4. Public service demonstrations

Messages In This Thread
RE: How can we attract and retain members? - by VA3KOT John - 2023-01-27, 16:16:50

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