2023-06-24, 16:51:54
I took a couple of hours out from taking care of my wife (who is in recovery following surgery this week) to get on the air for Field Day. I set up on my deck using my POTA rig - Yaesu FT-891, Bioenno LiFePO4 12Ah battery, CWMorse paddles and my DIY 40m End Fed Half Wave antenna. Power was just 20 watts. 40m was in great shape and I worked everybody I called (S&P, no running). After 90 minutes on the air I had 20 easy QSOs. Not a fantastic QSO rate but not bad for S&P. I hope things are going well over at Victoria Park. I look forward to hearing the results of the GBARC FD.
Blog: HamRadioOutsideTheBox.ca
Blog: HamRadioOutsideTheBox.ca