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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for July 29, 2023
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada
with this week's bulletin.


1.  RAC Annual General Meeting - 3 p.m. (ET) - Aug 19, 2023

The Radio Amateurs of Canada is pleased to hold its Annual General
Meeting (AGM) in Halifax,
Nova Scotia. The AGM will be hosted by the Halifax Amateur Radio Club
(HARC) in conjunction
with its 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner and Conference, which is being
held at the same location.
All RAC members are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting
which will be held as a
hybrid event (both in-person and online).
Agenda items will include:
1) Report of the President
2) Review of the 2022 finances
3) Appointment of auditors for 2023
A Question and Answer period will follow the AGM proceedings. This is
your opportunity to hear
what your representatives have been doing over the past year, to raise
questions, and to make
suggestions about how RAC is managed and where it is going in the future.
The meeting will be attended by members of the RAC Board of Directors
and Executive and is open
to all RAC members.
Stay tuned to the RAC website for more information.
-- RAC website


2.  London Amateur Radio Club Annual Hamfest

Date:        Sunday, August 20, 2023
Location:    4939 Hamilton Rd. Dorchester, Ontario
Times:    9am to 12 noon
Cost:        Admission - $8
Talk-in:    VE3OME 145.450 PL 114.8
Description:    Shop and find many things you might want or need. Book
a table and sell some
        of the things you found and buy something you have been looking
        Have a coffee and see friends.
Email contact:


3.  Hurricane Watch Net Seeks Bilingual Net Control Operators

HWN is especially interested in recruiting bilingual operators who are
fluent in Spanish and English or
French/Creole and English. Net Control responsibilities can entail hours
of duty to ensure all received
ground-truth weather reports are forwarded directly to the National
Hurricane Center in Miami.
HWN Manager Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, says training will be provided and
each candidate will go
through a probationary period with a mentor. Graves says an applicant's
station must be reliable.
"While having a tower, beam, and/or amplifier is not a requirement, your
station must allow you to
hear and be heard. Therefore, directional antennas and amplifiers are
preferred," he said.
The net coverage area includes the hurricane-prone areas of eastern
Canada, the US East Coast, the
Gulf of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. The net specifically
seeks applicants in the
middle-to-western sections of the US, Canada, Central America, and the
Caribbean. "As always, the
HWN is hoping for a quiet season, yet [we are] prepared for the worst,"
said Graves.
Those interested in learning more can visit the HWN Net Control
Information web page at
-- ARRL News

4.  Halifax Amateur Radio Club Newsletter "Reflector"

While browsing the web I came across the newsletter page of the Halifax
Amateur Radio Club.
Their newsletter is published monthly except July and August. The June
newsletter gives some
information on their 90th anniversary and gala dinner to be held in
conjunction with the
RAC AGM. You can check the newsletter out at the following page:

-- Paul, VA3PC

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

** I'll be on holiday next week and travelling, but I hope to get a
bulletin issued.**

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for July 29, 2023 - by Richard VE3OZW - 2023-07-29, 07:55:46

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