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Terry Fox Run
This year we are going to repeat the comms procedure that worked well last year. 
  • There will be a formal directed net for the event
  • Net control will be John VA3KOT
  • Net control will be active from 0930 until the end of the event
  • Primary comms channel will be VE3OSR
  • Secondary comms channel will be 146.520 simplex
  • All traffic on the primary channel must be conducted through net control
  • Keep traffic brief and precise, the channel may be needed for priority traffic
  • Informal, undirected traffic may use the secondary channel
  • All stations are requested to check-in to the net when in position on the course
  • Commencing 0945 the net will be open for formal traffic only on the primary channel
  • Every 15 minutes net control will call for a SITuation REPort (SITREP) from each station in turn
  • Please use tactical callsigns (location identifier e.g. "Jubilee")
  • Identify using regular callsigns as required by licence rules and regs.
  • Priority traffic may interrupt any other net traffic by calling "BREAK"
  • Stations may stand down at their discretion at the end of the event

Thanks for participating and have fun!

Messages In This Thread
Terry Fox Run - by VA3DNY Dan - 2023-09-07, 20:12:22
RE: Terry Fox Run - by Tom VA3TS - 2023-09-07, 22:06:13
RE: Terry Fox Run - by VE3WI Dave - 2023-09-08, 12:56:11
A-frame Signs - by VA3KOT John - 2023-09-09, 09:28:01
RE: Terry Fox Run - by Tom VA3TS - 2023-09-09, 11:12:22
RE: Terry Fox Run - by VA3KOT John - 2023-09-09, 12:06:10
RE: Terry Fox Run - by VE3WI Dave - 2023-09-11, 20:35:15
Communications Plan for the 2023 Terry Fox Run. - by VA3KOT John - 2023-09-12, 10:42:19
RE: Terry Fox Run - by VA3-GUF-Frank - 2023-09-16, 11:46:32
RE: Terry Fox Run - by VA3DNY Dan - 2023-09-17, 15:46:59

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