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New Cabot Head Trail Project
6km may be a little too far to hike - especially carrying equipment. But cycling may still remain an option. Mark VA3FIN told me in the spring that he has traveled to the lighthouse by bicycle. Even without a groomed bicycle trail - as long as the route remains legally open - a mountain bike could be used to get there. Yes, it might be only for the intrepid hams among us, but I watched a YT video yesterday by 3 hams who hiked to the summit of Mount St Helens (still an active volcano) to do a SOTA activation. I had trouble watching the scenes where they walked along knife edge trails thousands of feet up the mountain. The video made a casual bicycle ride along the shore of Georgian Bay look like a walk in the park.

Re: Chantry Island instead of Cabot Head

Marvin and I had extensive discussions with the Chantry Island group last year. What started out as a deceptively generous offer to take us out to the island for ILLW ended up with "but you will have to make a $1200 donation to FOIL (Friends Of Chantry Island) plus pay your fare". No other boats are allowed to land on the island so it is effectively entirely controlled by FOIL. Marvin may have had further talks with FOIL but I haven't heard anything from him on the topic.

An alternative (but not for ILLW since another club goes there) is Point Clark Lighthouse. Point Clark is a POTA location so we could arrange a club outing - except I haven't seen much interest in POTA from GBARC.

Messages In This Thread
New Cabot Head Trail Project - by Tom VA3TS - 2021-07-24, 21:31:17
RE: New Cabot Head Trail Project - by VE3WI Dave - 2021-07-25, 08:22:50
RE: News 28 Sep 2023 - by Tom VA3TS - 2023-09-30, 18:30:56
RE: New Cabot Head Trail Project - by VE3WI Dave - 2023-10-02, 14:46:44
RE: New Cabot Head Trail Project - by VA3KOT John - 2023-10-04, 09:59:43

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