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UPDATED - RAC October 2023 SET
Propagation conditions weren't great today. I was monitoring the International Beacon Project signals on 14100KHz. I heard the beacon in California weakly but no others. The frequency was QRM'd by inconsiderate digital mode operators which didn't help.

We only had about a 28% solar eclipse in our area - not enough to even dim the sunlight. I did not notice any change in radio conditions during the eclipse. I didn't really anticipate that there would be any impact. Such a brief, partial eclipse maybe wouldn't be sufficient to change ionization levels in the D and F layers.

I checked VE3OSR for the scheduled eclipse net at 1:00pm. I heard one station which I believe was Frank VA3GUF but the signal was too noisy to copy properly. I called into the repeater but no response. It was very disappointing that no other stations had sufficient interest to check-in!

Messages In This Thread
UPDATED - RAC October 2023 SET - by VA3-GUF-Frank - 2023-09-16, 13:20:38
RE: UPDATED - RAC October 2023 SET - by VA3KOT John - 2023-10-14, 13:01:01

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