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UPDATED - RAC October 2023 SET
I know I wasn't anywhere near a radio at the time of the eclipse and was busy volunteering at another club that I belong to.  Too much volunteering...  The event wasn't organized very well across the province.  Many groups communicated to check into ONTARS, yet no one contacted Barry or I about making sure there was a controller available during that time.  Communication wasn't stellar from head office.  I just happened to pick it up on Frank's post.  Luckily Rob PCP picked up the hour for ONTARS. 

Perhaps during the next event on April 8, 2023 we will have an actual organized net on VE3GBT (and VE3OSR) and we might even be lucky enough to have a controller available for ONTARS too.

Sometimes life gets in the way of ham radio.

Messages In This Thread
UPDATED - RAC October 2023 SET - by VA3-GUF-Frank - 2023-09-16, 13:20:38
RE: UPDATED - RAC October 2023 SET - by Richard VE3OZW - 2023-10-18, 12:23:30

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