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RM Noise
Last night's topic for the Net was AI and Amateur Radio.  I was using and talked about a program called RM Noise which is an AI program to reduce the noise in a received signal.   The website and program download can be found here

I am still playing with it, but WOW, it takes a signal and cleans it up.  My noise floor is typically S1 and I will attenuate it down to S0 to allow the AGC to do it's work better and pull the weak signals up.  When using RM Noise, it removes any SSB noise floor to absolutely zero.  It pulls weak stations in to the point where they are as strong as the strong station which I found this morning when listening to Terry NEJ check in with Gene IJD on ONTARS.  On my antenna Terry was very very weak and Gene is always strong, but with RM Noise selected, Terry was a strong as Gene and very easy to copy, with all noise dismissed.  Last night there was a storm along the US eastern seaboard and I could hear faint lightning crashes and see it on the waterfall.  I verified lighting via the usual websites, selected RM Noise and voila, all noise was gone.  

There is a slight .3s delay buffer as the program does it's thing with the server to clean up the audio, which is not overly extensive.  I will continue testing it out and I look forward to seeing this type of technology added to SDR radios up front.  The most difficult thing to get used to is the lack of noise when the voice transmissions stop.  I attach a video albeit not a stellar representation, and I will replace it with a better video when I have a better (worse) conditions.  The video link will expire on May 4 and by then I hope to have a better video on YouTube that will not expire.

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RM Noise - by Richard VE3OZW - 2024-04-04, 07:23:28

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