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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for June 15, 2024
This is V_3___, Official Bulletin Station for Radio Amateurs of Canada with
this week's bulletin.


1.   Russia withdraws from Worldwide Flora and Fauna

The Russian Flora and Fauna organization has severed ties with World Wide Flora and Fauna and will no longer participate in its awards program.

The coordinator of the Russian Flora and Fauna awards programme announced on the RFF website that it is withdrawing from World Wide Flora and Fauna activities effective immediately. Vitaly, RN3ANT, wrote that the decision was made with regret because of recent actions by the WWFF Committee, including the elimination in April of Crimean RRF park references.

Vitaly said in the June 7th posting that award applications that have already been approved will be completed but new RFF-H applications through WWFF will not. He said that Russia's own Flora and Fauna programme will continue to operate and issue awards.

-- Jeremy Boot G4NJH. (Amateur Radio Newsline June 14 edition)


2.  Shortwave Radiogram: Digital Modes that are not Phony.

Shortwave Radiogram program 358 will transmit digital and text images over shortwave frequencies June 13-19. The program utilizes MFSK modes transmitted from WRMI in Florida and WINB in Pennsylvania.
The following lineup will be followed:

1:46 MFSK32: Program preview
2:52 MFSK32: More phony than real US newspaper sites
7:38 MFSK64: Low-income New Yorkers rely on cell for internet
11:33 MFSK64: This week’s images
27:54 MFSK32: Closing announcements
See for frequencies and times.

-- Shortwave Radiogram net blog

3.   Society of Broadcast Engineers: Malware attack

The ARRL is not the only membership organization to have suffered a malware attack recently. On May 30, the Society of Broadcast Engineers had its website  content and pages removed by malware, according to an earlier announcement.

On June 5th, an updated article posted on said that the malware has since been removed and the SBE's website is back up and running. The  society assured members that none of their data had been compromised and they are now running scans to verify that any remnants from the attack have been eradicated.

The SBE comprises 116 chapters and more than 4,500 members who work in the broadcast and multimedia technology fields.

-- news

4.  ARRL Systems Service Disruption  (Jun 6 update)

ARRL is working with industry experts, including cyber crime attorneys and the authorities, who have directed us to be conservative and cautious with our  communications while restoring the ARRL network.  ARRL’s association membership system was not impacted by this attack.  Additionally, the online ARRL Store is operating as normal. ARRL Field Day merchandise is still available for immediate shipping.  The digital edition of the July 2024 issue of QST will be available as
scheduled, on Friday, June 7. The print edition will go to press on Monday, June 10.  
As previously reported, the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator is processing Amateur Radio License applications received from Volunteer Examiners who  completed candidate exam sessions. As of June 6, our staff are processing applications from exams given on May 22.  The publication of most ARRL 
e-newsletters, including the weekly ARRL Letter, has resumed with minimal disruption to regular schedules. A new platform for emailing newsletters has been implemented, leading to some variations in layout.

-- arrl website

This concludes this week's bulletin. Does anyone require repeats or
Hearing none, This is V_3___ returning the frequency to net control.

Bulletin sent from Official Bulletin Manager VA3PC

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RAC Ontario Sections Bulletin for June 15, 2024 - by Richard VE3OZW - 2024-06-15, 07:41:04

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